Doel Ghost Town - Belgium - Travel is my favorite Sport

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Doel Ghost Town - Belgium

Doel, a 400-year-old village north-west of Antwerp is threatened with complete demolition due to the future enlargement of the harbour of Antwerp. Most of Doel's former residents have long-since left, but a handful refused to leave and they continue to fight for their home. These days only around 20 people live there, and most of the buildings are boarded up and empty.But as it emptied, Doel became something of a paradise for some of Europe's best-known graffiti artists. Some residents even encouraged street artists to turn up, in an attempt to create an open-air gallery.These days, vandals are more common than street artists, and life is difficult for those who remain in what has become known as Belgium's ghost town. 

Info from BBC

Pictures by MSW

Doel Ghost Town - Belgium Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 2:26 PM Rating: 5 Doel, a 400-year-old village north-west of Antwerp is threatened with complete demolition due to ...

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