January 2008 - Travel is my favorite Sport

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wah liew! how to continue collect tuala~
7:51 AM

wah liew! how to continue collect tuala~

schedule outage at 4:30pm?? blogger shutting down for a while... back to mah life... surprisingly got one complain for yr 2008 org-org jaga ...
wah liew! how to continue collect tuala~ Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 7:51 AM Rating: 5 schedule outage at 4:30pm?? blogger shutting down for a while... back to mah life... surprisingly got one complain for yr 2008 org-org jaga ...
made my day indeed!!!
10:16 PM

made my day indeed!!!

Chyi is already informed of my discovery but leh... SP belum tau!! SP got new surprise.......... HEHEHE!! Here is how the story goes, i was ...
made my day indeed!!! Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 10:16 PM Rating: 5 Chyi is already informed of my discovery but leh... SP belum tau!! SP got new surprise.......... HEHEHE!! Here is how the story goes, i was ...
makanan by accident.... so how? kiam bui lah~
6:56 AM

makanan by accident.... so how? kiam bui lah~

to chyi for not able to witness the pork ribs.... too sweet for us! Pc for pork chop! lol oreo biskit on frappe, and squid ink milkshake!...
makanan by accident.... so how? kiam bui lah~ Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 6:56 AM Rating: 5 to chyi for not able to witness the pork ribs.... too sweet for us! Pc for pork chop! lol oreo biskit on frappe, and squid ink milkshake!...
Newly discovered up and coming ENGLISH singer growwing out from MALAYSIA!
8:11 PM

Newly discovered up and coming ENGLISH singer growwing out from MALAYSIA!

Melissa Indot!....... i praised the music video is professionally done.. to be honest.. music videos really make or break a singer's ca...
Newly discovered up and coming ENGLISH singer growwing out from MALAYSIA! Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 8:11 PM Rating: 5 Melissa Indot!....... i praised the music video is professionally done.. to be honest.. music videos really make or break a singer's ca...
i goin to USA by south west liao!!
3:34 AM

i goin to USA by south west liao!!

Listen to this! Preflight Announcement We do have seatbelts that aren't as dangerous as they looked. Insert into the flap and lift up th...
i goin to USA by south west liao!! Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 3:34 AM Rating: 5 Listen to this! Preflight Announcement We do have seatbelts that aren't as dangerous as they looked. Insert into the flap and lift up th...
Rules for High Performance Web Sites
3:11 AM

Rules for High Performance Web Sites

Yahoo!'s got a very interesting page on web performance which I think is still crucial in our fast-speed Internet and fast number-crunch...
Rules for High Performance Web Sites Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 3:11 AM Rating: 5 Yahoo!'s got a very interesting page on web performance which I think is still crucial in our fast-speed Internet and fast number-crunch...
a local newspaper! food trend predictions for 2008!
3:06 AM

a local newspaper! food trend predictions for 2008!

Yeah kek tio by it... well, i can say that Tong Luo Sao! will be the next big thing! its cheap and yummi!
a local newspaper! food trend predictions for 2008! Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 3:06 AM Rating: 5 Yeah kek tio by it... well, i can say that Tong Luo Sao! will be the next big thing! its cheap and yummi!
latest career reviving method?
6:50 AM

latest career reviving method?

after the Owen Wilson incident! suicidal is the "in" thing even heath ledger attempt to have a slice of the media ended up owning ...
latest career reviving method? Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 6:50 AM Rating: 5 after the Owen Wilson incident! suicidal is the "in" thing even heath ledger attempt to have a slice of the media ended up owning ...
come to think of it... i am obsess kua!
6:11 AM

come to think of it... i am obsess kua!

the kinky side of me. i have an "unusual" habit. i never knew i would say this in my blog but who cares. ppl are in need of articl...
come to think of it... i am obsess kua! Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 6:11 AM Rating: 5 the kinky side of me. i have an "unusual" habit. i never knew i would say this in my blog but who cares. ppl are in need of articl...
1:45 AM


post-less Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 1:45 AM Rating: 5 nothing important! lol a vague entry!
9:00 AM


yeah! dad returned back to Bn liao~~ aint cool to disrupt me tight schedule ya know~~ been sickie for half a day!! thanks to me "liang...
crzy! Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 9:00 AM Rating: 5 yeah! dad returned back to Bn liao~~ aint cool to disrupt me tight schedule ya know~~ been sickie for half a day!! thanks to me "liang...
his majesty is here!!
12:55 PM

his majesty is here!!

my living "Chai Sen Yeah" oredi sampai~ sg... been pretty cool... he also having Beijing Withdrawal... i was telling him how fun t...
his majesty is here!! Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 12:55 PM Rating: 5 my living "Chai Sen Yeah" oredi sampai~ sg... been pretty cool... he also having Beijing Withdrawal... i was telling him how fun t...
Shoes shoes shoes!!!
9:00 AM

Shoes shoes shoes!!!

Keeep ur feet healthy is another way to succeed in life..... yesh!! ppl with feet that are smooth and fleshy always lead a good life.... so ...
Shoes shoes shoes!!! Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 9:00 AM Rating: 5 Keeep ur feet healthy is another way to succeed in life..... yesh!! ppl with feet that are smooth and fleshy always lead a good life.... so ...
GG wallpaper M.I.A.
8:33 AM

GG wallpaper M.I.A.

been having problems with GG wallpaper lah!! Missing In Action twice leh!! so damn piss.. this is the 3rd time i re-stapling the walls liao!...
GG wallpaper M.I.A. Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 8:33 AM Rating: 5 been having problems with GG wallpaper lah!! Missing In Action twice leh!! so damn piss.. this is the 3rd time i re-stapling the walls liao!...
code red!
9:12 AM

code red!

been hopping in and out of a diet routine.. yea yea i am back to Mee Goreng Diet. but worst part is .... i am out of Mee Goreng... Papa Code...
code red! Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 9:12 AM Rating: 5 been hopping in and out of a diet routine.. yea yea i am back to Mee Goreng Diet. but worst part is .... i am out of Mee Goreng... Papa Code...
walao! life is Hecticly okay lah~~
8:24 PM

walao! life is Hecticly okay lah~~

today sekolah start liao lah~~ yeah KNS... holiday is so short..... do u know how much i missed taiwan!! that i dreamt about it last night.....
walao! life is Hecticly okay lah~~ Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 8:24 PM Rating: 5 today sekolah start liao lah~~ yeah KNS... holiday is so short..... do u know how much i missed taiwan!! that i dreamt about it last night.....
could u tell i am not an ABC... but i am BBC
8:06 PM

could u tell i am not an ABC... but i am BBC

this just in! yeah back to square one writing articles of my shameless lifestyle... over the years i create a lot of weird thots and ways to...
could u tell i am not an ABC... but i am BBC Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 8:06 PM Rating: 5 this just in! yeah back to square one writing articles of my shameless lifestyle... over the years i create a lot of weird thots and ways to...
Year 2008 Resolution
10:57 PM

Year 2008 Resolution

i am still not use to the fact now its 2008! every year like minds make up a list full of task and wishes they want for the following year! ...
Year 2008 Resolution Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 10:57 PM Rating: 5 i am still not use to the fact now its 2008! every year like minds make up a list full of task and wishes they want for the following year! ...
view now! Beware!!
10:35 PM

view now! Beware!!

view now! Beware!! Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 10:35 PM Rating: 5 testing 1 2 3 its working... LOL Lame~
back in sg but Taiwan Home Sick liao~~
8:57 PM

back in sg but Taiwan Home Sick liao~~

I realised i truly enjoy my trip to Taipei so much that i am taiwan home sick now!! gosh i love the aircond weather so much that i want to m...
back in sg but Taiwan Home Sick liao~~ Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 8:57 PM Rating: 5 I realised i truly enjoy my trip to Taipei so much that i am taiwan home sick now!! gosh i love the aircond weather so much that i want to m...
WonderFULL 2007
8:57 AM

WonderFULL 2007

i finally make time to thank the wonderful people i went to Taipei with.. They were awesome... and patient enuff with me my Grade "F...
WonderFULL 2007 Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 8:57 AM Rating: 5 i finally make time to thank the wonderful people i went to Taipei with.. They were awesome... and patient enuff with me my Grade "F...
Merlion City
6:54 AM

Merlion City

All i want for Xmas is adidas! K-siao On Billboard @ pepper Lunch Newly uncovered PMT ice cream leh~ World Greediest Popcorn @ Carniv...
Merlion City Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 6:54 AM Rating: 5 All i want for Xmas is adidas! K-siao On Billboard @ pepper Lunch Newly uncovered PMT ice cream leh~ World Greediest Popcorn @ Carniv...