Il Bocconcino Restaurant - Rome, Italy - Travel is my favorite Sport

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Il Bocconcino Restaurant - Rome, Italy

Ravioli di cicoria d pecorino con pomodori canditi

Crostata with Anchovies

costolette di abbacchio romano dop a scottadito
fornite dalla storica macelleria angelo feroci al pantheon
(Lamb Chop)

Animelle scottate in padella e sfumate al marsala servite con pisellini al prosciutto
(Sweet breads)
Revisited this place, unfortunately the Secondi or Main was not appetizing at all. I think when you are in Rome, just stick to pasta dishes. It can't go wrong.

For this place, please just eat the pasta.

Pictures by MSW
Il Bocconcino Restaurant - Rome, Italy Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 3:18 AM Rating: 5 Ravioli di cicoria d pecorino con pomodori canditi Crostata with Anchovies costolette di abbacchio romano dop a scottadit...

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