Lotz Terem Book Cafe - Budapest, Hungary - Travel is my favorite Sport

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Lotz Terem Book Cafe - Budapest, Hungary

Lotz Terem Book Cafe 
Intricate Ceilings
Eszterhazy Torta and Katalan Kremes Forro Csokolade

Alexandra Book Store
Take the escalator up
Grand Chandelier
Italian Renaissance detailing
Detailed Ceilings
The story of the cafe
Walnut with layers of sponge cake, boiled cream and fondant icing. Catalan Creamy Hot Chocolate
Lotz Terem Book Cafe is a hidden gem. From the outside facade, it looked like an ordinary book store. The Lotz Terem Book Cafe (first floor) is hidden within the book store (ground floor). Take the escalator up and the gold shimmering hall can be seen through an arch hole in a wall.
This grand hall turned cafe is just magnificent.

Plenty of cakes on display and long list of coffee concoction to make a coffee lover drool.
I tried their catalan creamy hot chocolate and Eszterhazy Torta.
The cake was dry but the beverages were great.

Pictures by MSW
Lotz Terem Book Cafe - Budapest, Hungary Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 1:59 PM Rating: 5 Lotz Terem Book Cafe  Intricate Ceilings Eszterhazy Torta and Katalan Kremes Forro Csokolade Exterior Alexandra Book...

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