War Remnants Museum - Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam - Travel is my favorite Sport

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War Remnants Museum - Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Be prepared warfare collection of photos and war debris. Lots of images and detail about the American War in Vietnam. Some of them are very confronting especially theAgent Orange images. A must-do in Saigon and one of the first things to get a good perspective on how the war began. The ‘tiger cages’ is the most talked about, it is where the South Vietnamese government kept their political prisoners. These small cages at times used to keep up to 14 prisoners. French weapon guillotine was last used in 1960. Also featured are grisly photos that show the disfigured bodies of locals who had prenatal exposure to agent orange sprayed. It is believed that as many as 4.8 million people were exposed to it between 1961 to 1971. 

 The War Remnants Museum images may be disturbing for children. Vietnamese students comes in group, arrive and learn more about their sad past.

 Opening Hours: Daily from 07.30 - 12.00 and 13:30 – 17:00 

 Pictures by MSW
War Remnants Museum - Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 9:47 AM Rating: 5 Be prepared warfare collection of photos and war debris. Lots of images and detail a...

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