Galleria Emanuel Vittorio - Milan, Italy - Travel is my favorite Sport

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Galleria Emanuel Vittorio - Milan, Italy

Galleria Emanuel Vittorio
Spinning your heels on the bulls "testicles" for good luck is one of the highlight here.
Galleria Emanuel Vittorio is one of the most iconic shopping mall in entirely Italy. The grandeur feeling it evokes when one walked in even with the hordes of tourist and pigeons flocking there. In my eyes, its the most beautiful shopping mall of all time! I spend my days passing thru there as much as I can.

The feeling walking the down the passage gave a me taste of the way of life back in the days is just priceless.

Pictures by MSW
Galleria Emanuel Vittorio - Milan, Italy Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 3:40 AM Rating: 5 Galleria Emanuel Vittorio Spinning your heels on the bulls "testicles...

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