The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci |
The most famous painting in the world, after Mona Lisa of course. Always the same painter, the great Leonardo da Vinci! And to think that it is not a fresco, but an experiment that is not perfectly successful. Here to understand and appreciate all aspects would not be enough a month accompanied by an expert guide, let alone in 20 minutes close up preview. The Last Supper is truly a masterpiece! Leonardo masterpiece is worth all efforts to buy ticket and even is worth to plan one visit to Milano only to enter church Santa Maria delle Grazie. Probably the most famous Milan's attractions. There can be lot of wrote about it. Last few years it is really hardly occupied due Dan Browns book da vinci code book and famous painting of last supper. Many conspirations on one paint :) must to say that place was total damaged during WW2 and it is miracle (coincidence) that painting was preserved to today time after multiple restoration carried out. One last tip because of my experience. It is not so hardly to get ticket there. I buy it in advance for really extra charge (2x) but at place i finds out i can buy it in ticket office. And restricted rules like max 15 persons in one tim. Maybe staff total ignore their own rules but i dont know.Pay attention to the painting on the opposite wall of the last supper. You can see Mary Magdalene on the bottom below Jesus. Look at her clothes and think for yourselves about John. Also has a piece of art for the blind or vision impaired to feel to "see" the last supper.
Pictures by MSW
Pictures by MSW
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