Konoba Ladici - Krk Island, Croatia - Travel is my favorite Sport

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Konoba Ladici - Krk Island, Croatia

Konoba Ladici
No Signage almost hard to find
The address !
Scramble eggs and Octopus
Fish Soup
Grilled Assorted Fishes
Fresh fishes fall off the bone easily
Lunch here was a nice surprise, the meat eating region has, finally a good seafood restaurant.
It was recommended by our Villa's guest book. The fishes were fresh and comes with garlic olive oil condiments. Grilled Paprika and Green Peppers are practically standard grilled vegetables in Croatia.

They do have English Menu here. Its along the coast of Punat city port.

Pictures by MSW
Konoba Ladici - Krk Island, Croatia Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 4:35 AM Rating: 5 Konoba Ladici No Signage almost hard to find The address ! Scramble eggs and Octopus Fish Soup Grilled Assor...

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