KarLick4Nia againz! - Travel is my favorite Sport

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KarLick4Nia againz!

what the hell??? the female staff call me again..
asked me about my training assesment with their trainers..
I was kek tio.. i tot i decline her during my previous entry...
The HORROR if i kena assign to INDIAN trainer..
forgive me... indians in india are good looking... wahahaha
don want to play color in my blog... got sikapo boy who blog abt color ppl kena kourt CHARGED.. long time ago lor...
stupid democratic sikapo... individual shud have their own opiniioons esp blogging is FREEDOM to sign up....
ok ok back to the point..

then in the past few weeks...
me having "Mtv Spring Break" from gym..
wahahhaa thanks to my trainer.. he went for plastic surgery
very ENVY ler......
no la.. he need Knee fix coz ligament gone case liao..
wahhahahaa GET WELL SOON...
of coz during my Summer break, i relax and gain 4Kigs..
check the wet tissues collections for evidence!
at the same time.. i need the time to juggle between classes and projects..
turn out well...
but let there was one incident..

At the orchard outlet, on an evening sunday i don know which week...
i heard that somebody passed away NOT out...
on the treadmill... WTH WTH...
scary right.. thank god i was not at the scene or working out... during tat period of time.
i told my trainer.. he said he don know about the tragic incident..
and NOW i claimed that i have treadmill-phobia liao.. coz i don want to ka-pooff that young also..
especially on a treadmill?????? a perfect excuse to skip cardio..
then hor.. i am bloody kek tio by him...
he confidently reply....
Oh don worry, YOU are an EXPERT at pressing the STOP/SLOW DOWN button!!!

SUPA KEK TIO... ARGGHH.... i am indeed good at it...
KarLick4Nia againz! Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 8:10 PM Rating: 5 what the hell??? the female staff call me again.. asked me about my training assesment with their trainers.. I was kek tio.. i tot i decline...

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