God Can Hear ME! - Travel is my favorite Sport

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God Can Hear ME!

i was sure i was late!!
naturally i take cab la...
the funny thing is..
i wave and wave but no cabs...
then pop one MERCedes Benz Cab... = "expensive cabs"
it stop in front of me.. and i got in...
since i was in a hurry!! then i complained to myself..
shitt la... the initial price oredi 3 bucks...
BMW ler... *burn my wallet*... what are the odds of getting Merc Cab i told meself...
QUITE NUMBER OF TIMES.... even when i call for a CAB... i get MERC ler.. so kek tao~~
i was totally opposing the fact that FATE gave me a MERC CAB...
which i was very reluctant to flag one...
half way thru e journey!!
Uncle turn his head... erm Tanjong Pagar needs ERP *TAX-ing on the ROAD* hor?
then i told ya guess so...
Uncle say he not enough credits to cross the ERP...
kek dao!~ then how he wanna top up where????
he suggest he drop me in front where i was half way to my destination...
and no need to pay!! insist i get another cab!!!

--- God Hear me ler....
so kek tio...
instantly i got down and flag another *NORMAL* cab and reach my destination on time...

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God Can Hear ME! Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 6:45 AM Rating: 5 i was sure i was late!! naturally i take cab la... the funny thing is.. i wave and wave but no cabs... then pop one MERCedes Benz Cab... = ...

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