Just a piece of useless news. A man in Switzerland faked this GUCCI perfume ADS and booked it with the Swiss weekly paper SonntagsZeitung. The best part of the story is that the $50,000 ad was billed to Gucci! As if Gucci's lawyers aren't up to their eyeballs trying to catch bag counterfeiters, they now have fame craving weirdos to go after. And I'm sure they appreciate us republishing this, too.
This is a Real AD... BUT look at the model's pubic hair...
SOooo KEK DAO~~ G pubic hair ler... its the in thing!!
SHAVE it G!!!

my ultimate-inspired entrepenuer...
JIMMY CHOO... recently made big bucks AGAIN!!
Lion's Group International (owned by Texas gazillionaire Tom Hicks) purchased Jimmy Choo in 2004 and decided they've made enough money on their investment so they've sold it to TowerBrook Capital for $364.5 million dollars this week. Tamara Mellon remains as figurehead and says she plans to expand into sunglasses, lingerie, and swimwear under the Jimmy Choo brand. Sandra Choi, Jimmy Choo's niece, will stay on as Creative Director.
the niece very lucky ler...
SOLD FOR $364.5Mills ler.... WOHOHOHO!!
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