San Churro Chocolateria - Perth, Australia - Travel is my favorite Sport

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San Churro Chocolateria - Perth, Australia

The original funnel cake (hybrid between doughnut and pancake)
Hot & Cold (Hot Dark Chcocolate with White Chocolate Ice Cream)
San Churro Chocolateria - Perth, Australia

Classic Churros for 1 person
Hot Chocolate Tasting Board
San Churro Chocolateria is everywhere in Australia. 

The place is a chocolate melting pot, rivalry Max Brener.  I personally didn't like the funnel cake, too sweet and sugary.
The churros are alright and the caramel dipping sauce were too sweet.

Overall, it will surely jack up your sugar intake.

Pictures by MSW
San Churro Chocolateria - Perth, Australia Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 11:47 AM Rating: 5 The original funnel cake (hybrid between doughnut and pancake) Hot & Cold (Hot Dark Chcocolate with White Chocolate Ice Cream) ...

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