Nasi Ibu Mangku - Seminyak, Bali - Travel is my favorite Sport

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Nasi Ibu Mangku - Seminyak, Bali

Nasi Ibu Mangku

Just down the street from Mexicola.
Nasi Ayam Kedewatan or Ibu Mangku, chicken rice is the best! Be sure to arrive early and avoid disappointment as most of the condiments may sold out.
I love the chicken satay!!!!

Pictures by MSW
Nasi Ibu Mangku - Seminyak, Bali Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 3:25 AM Rating: 5 Nasi Ibu Mangku Seminyak Just down the street from Mexicola. Nasi Ayam Kedewatan or Ibu Mangku, chicken rice is the best!...

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