WICKED ads of the yr! - Travel is my favorite Sport

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WICKED ads of the yr!

its totally my ads of the yr! so eeee and funny at the same time!!!
yeap its a range of non-carbonated "WHATEVER" and carbonated "ANYTHING" canned drinks. just like the name of it and all that whole series of amusing printed and tvc ads but good enough to trigger buzz and curiosity. intelligent in its own ways. i like esp this one. haha.. looks to me as if it's a mischievious spoof of the typical sexy, flesh baring beer and stout ads. bought a can b4. i tikam-ed ANYTHING pepsi . haha. and got pepsi coz i am psychic!

WICKED ads of the yr! Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 9:16 PM Rating: 5 its totally my ads of the yr! so eeee and funny at the same time!!! yeap its a range of non-carbonated "WHATEVER" and carbonated &...

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