recently with all the BlockBusting Series ended their seasonal finale...
New shows began to rule our SUMMER.
1.American Inventors is back with Season 2
inovation! interesting.. i like to be inspired.
2.Destination Truth New Sci Fi series.
they fly around the globe in search of mysterious living things.
like iguanadon sighting in PApau New Ginuea and mermaid sightings....
or even dragon snake sighting in thailand.. find out if they find any evidence..
real cool to watch!!!
3.Simple Life 5. started airing 3weeks ago! super funny and super KUAI LAN liao!
and cocky too....
CRAPPY One Tree Hill season 4 ended liao!!!..
stupid ending... ridiculous lame.. (i watched bcoz mainly i didnt want to waste my internet subscriptions and the quota to dl and i want to know the mistakes of the producer, writer and visual impact) "i want to go film school, need more experience" no experience must watch more tv.
i remember i graduated highschool.. wasnt that dramatic! just get the cert and ciao!!
stuck in one place for too long is NOT good. most of all, all book based studies and non-practical life handling situation is worst.
DiDnt know that i was carrying such expensive phone man!! 1099NZD.
seriously i would have cry if i lost the phone again!!!!
may be i shud consider for scm to auction 999 at NZ.
New shows began to rule our SUMMER.
1.American Inventors is back with Season 2
inovation! interesting.. i like to be inspired.
2.Destination Truth New Sci Fi series.
they fly around the globe in search of mysterious living things.
like iguanadon sighting in PApau New Ginuea and mermaid sightings....
or even dragon snake sighting in thailand.. find out if they find any evidence..
real cool to watch!!!
3.Simple Life 5. started airing 3weeks ago! super funny and super KUAI LAN liao!
and cocky too....
CRAPPY One Tree Hill season 4 ended liao!!!..
stupid ending... ridiculous lame.. (i watched bcoz mainly i didnt want to waste my internet subscriptions and the quota to dl and i want to know the mistakes of the producer, writer and visual impact) "i want to go film school, need more experience" no experience must watch more tv.
i remember i graduated highschool.. wasnt that dramatic! just get the cert and ciao!!
stuck in one place for too long is NOT good. most of all, all book based studies and non-practical life handling situation is worst.
DiDnt know that i was carrying such expensive phone man!! 1099NZD.
seriously i would have cry if i lost the phone again!!!!
may be i shud consider for scm to auction 999 at NZ.
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