For THE Record.

Oh yeah!! i don smoke..
but i love being a 2nd hand smoker...
i like to smell smokes but i don like to smoke...
haha that why when i club...
my clothes all turn smoky the way i like.... but i washed la...
still i like it i don know why... but i seldom do it la yah~~~
JUZ when ppl who smoke walk passed... will trigger my smelling cells...
i am crazy! need to do research on this!
I don't drink. but i like to try new drinks!!!i am interested in the industry!
okay when i go to clubs, i do drink but seriously i HATED it.
its no fun when u end up merlion-ing all over the place...
i drink @ clubs mainly becoz i wanted to try the varieties of shots and never touch again!!
most are disgusting... YUCK ... i hate Vodka..
i still can tolerate with Louise 13 coz its expensive...
may be some green tea Martelle.. of coz when it comes to mixer..
shitt my concentration of alcohol like 3% and 97% mixer...
okay when i go to clubs, i do drink but seriously i HATED it.
its no fun when u end up merlion-ing all over the place...
i drink @ clubs mainly becoz i wanted to try the varieties of shots and never touch again!!
most are disgusting... YUCK ... i hate Vodka..
i still can tolerate with Louise 13 coz its expensive...
may be some green tea Martelle.. of coz when it comes to mixer..
shitt my concentration of alcohol like 3% and 97% mixer...
champagne still okay only ar...
coz it looks like liquid gold.. with bubble...
its so funny that in ang moh countries they have alcoholism...
i don't even think its necessary lor....
addicted to alcohol hell no way!! NOT gonna happen to me....
its so funny that in ang moh countries they have alcoholism...
i don't even think its necessary lor....
addicted to alcohol hell no way!! NOT gonna happen to me....
me sad eat chocolate fondue la....
so happy!! bcoz of serotonin calms us "painkiller", theobromin and anandamide in cocoa are same as marijuana just lesser %...
and phenylethylamine make us secret endorphine... creating euphoria!!!
i am confirm a chocoholics.. my habit is MUST have GODIVA CHOCOLIXIR!
my favourite is DARK CHOCOLIXIR.
so happy!! bcoz of serotonin calms us "painkiller", theobromin and anandamide in cocoa are same as marijuana just lesser %...
and phenylethylamine make us secret endorphine... creating euphoria!!!
i am confirm a chocoholics.. my habit is MUST have GODIVA CHOCOLIXIR!

the beverage oredi nice add dice dark choco....more and more flavours adding up!
when i am out anywhere near Godiva.. i will buy one.. CONFIRM ar...
SGD8 bucks each!! super worth it...
my energy drink for life...
my energy drink for life...
but the curse of the black pearls are my budget drink
however this is serious!!! deadly yummy!!!
i would die to have one GODIVA Blender @ my own home next time
Coffee will get starbuck barritos set.
they even had godiva premium ice cream but not available in sg
can eat at HK no worries.. there got plenty outlets.
my fav. Ivory Chocolate with Dark Chocolate Chip

Oh yeah!! i don smoke..
but i love being a 2nd hand smoker...
i like to smell smokes but i don like to smoke...
haha that why when i club...
my clothes all turn smoky the way i like.... but i washed la...
still i like it i don know why... but i seldom do it la yah~~~
JUZ when ppl who smoke walk passed... will trigger my smelling cells...
i am crazy! need to do research on this!
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