Indo Mee Goreng, a multi-million dollar instant noodle empire!! its a craving to die for all asian!!
Is it a staple snack or a meal replacement!!
but what i heard it can help loose weight!!
was it a myth or truth?
i contacted the mythbuster aka email!
they were not interested at all... SHAME
so i decide to put the myth to a test!
of coz the not labrats... coz its against nature. however i volunteered!
was i desperate or what?
partially i need to cut a few pounds... to earn myself a skinny levis.
i was once lectured in class during my senior high!
a msian gal who pursued her studies in taiwan. she was trying to save money! so she ate mee goreng every single meal!! but the catch is she end up being in an ash-urn back home....
what i am emphaszing here is she was skinny to the bone!!!! b4 she turn into ash!
so of coz everything has a limit.. but she continued..
however i only try it for a week! i am not that crazy as Supersized-ME!!!
the first two days, i dropped o.5 pounds... w/o exercise oh!! miracously!! but the next two days i gained 0.5 pounds more than i weigh! this shows that the weight-loss program have a yoyo effect just like xando.... in the end i end up maintaining my weight...
coz it fluctuates... down up and back down...
i wouldnt dare to try a mth coz i was already sick of the smell and taste... YUCk..
i didnt eat MG for like half a year.... haha
but if ya desperate loose some pounds or inches just to fit in that jeans...
remember to rinse the noodle in cold water after the 1st boiled. and boil second time
VOILA... add the ajinamoto and kecap. the process is call fractional distillation of wax...
super cheappo way to slim down
oH yeah i had 2 servings every meal. hehe one packet where got enuff... may be it doesnt work for me HAH!!!! #_#
experiments took place september 2006
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