i always envy those ppl who get free stuff...

i myself other wise never ever received free stuff before...
Presents NOT considered free...
Parent BUY also NOT considered free...
FREE/PERCUMA as in ppl give to you with no occasion but only a friendly gesture...
i wonder when will i get things for freee.......
i want FREE stuff...
List on the MUST have!!! EIther someone give me or my parent will...
i watched a weird Discovery Channel about SLEEPING WITH TEACHERS....
based in England - Documentary!
its ridiculous to have such relationships...
very YOUNG teen sleeping with OLD tcher...
WEIRD RIGHT... its macam................
wahahahahhaaha QUIRKY...
super WEIRD...
guess i want to declare that every THURSDAY of the end of the month will be HOMESICK DAY where childrens are far far away from home... to sob and miss their OHANA...
BLAME it all on the feng shui~~
Don know whether is it the change of COLOR of my enitre building...
they repaint the whole outer part BLUE.. previously was beige..
kek dao~~~ its advantage for south facing ENTRANCE i guess...
coz prosperity corner is at SOUTH so need water .. and blue is water..
i called my mom!! i was kek tio...
she ask me to go to the bank to change the new 20 bucks note...

i ask her why BN and SG manufacture different NOTES meh~~~
then she say orange and at the back got CHANEL logo...
i kek tio~~~ ITS THE SAME LA...
she said she grabbed 200 bucks liao~~
i told her.. i don want to be crazy to queue with DESPERADO sikaporean just for the sake of 20 bucks... i rather she change some for me...
and they selling 88 dollars for a set..
i don know how they sell ar... WITH GST also..
speaking of GST..
it will soon increase liao~~~
2 more days.... i am so sad...
meaning more unnecessary $$ being spend...
life is just miserable w/ $$ and food...
i am deprived of food and technology now...
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