its my bday today! i didnt get myself anything ler..see so filial... altho yesterday my bro and i went to a prebday dinner at CARNIVORE!
flip it to makan or not to makan...

last year! i had cartier set of pen! woohoo! i promised myself this yr a brand new watch!!! i didnt get it yet!!!! may be during the yr end sales!!! don want to have it now... since i havent work nor related to work yet! just stay put with technology will do!
Mom greet me 2 hrs b4 my bday began!
DAD rang me up after 2hrs had past my bday!
Her 1st lady sms me in the morining while i snooze....
and mom sms second time DOUBLE confirm...
but this year no "ON THE TAB" so sienz~~~
every year, i have ON THE TAB...
but no ler 2007.. wat happened!! may be its oredi a must...
cant wait till i find the perfect gifts......
i am lucky enuff to get stuff i makes no different getting on my bday!!!!! i do want an iphone for now...but its okay i save the QUOTA for somethin.. who knows i might lost something can be replace mah... wahahahahha
so i shud just wish for MSW success and good health among my families 100%each..
may be some friends 2% each....wahahahahaha
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