Staples have become a scourge to the office environment. Those shiny metal wires have jammed in thumbs, caught on sweaters, and torn papers. The horrors are just too numerous to mention. Recently, at ThinkGeek World Domination Headquarters, an entire afternoon was spent watching a government mandated corporate safety video that showed, in excruciating slo-motion Tarantinoesque detail, just how terrible accidents with staples can be.
ThinkGeek employees, however, rolled their eyes... for they had converted to an entirely staple free environment. We found in our travels a device that staples papers together - without staples! Oh, we're not crazy, this thing is real. This handy (and might we add - environmentally friendly) device cuts a tiny flap in the corner of your paper, and folds it in on itself, tucked in a tiny paper pocket.
Stapler can clip together up to five sheets with ease.
ThinkGeek employees, however, rolled their eyes... for they had converted to an entirely staple free environment. We found in our travels a device that staples papers together - without staples! Oh, we're not crazy, this thing is real. This handy (and might we add - environmentally friendly) device cuts a tiny flap in the corner of your paper, and folds it in on itself, tucked in a tiny paper pocket.
Stapler can clip together up to five sheets with ease.
cut and fold... up to 5 sheets... LOL
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