HAHA myself... - Travel is my favorite Sport

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HAHA myself...

i am officiating that TODAY is the day i start my KICK ARSE DIEt REGIME....
any fall out will be reported here.... the previous official day only!
a familiarization!! i know "where got such thing!!!"hehe
HAHA... completely no restaurant related nor FOOD entries...
only 8 weeks i need to live without outside food....
I didnt even get the chance to watch RUSH HOUR 3 with pop corn/ Nachos...
wahahahahahha DAMN....

its a 30kgs weight loss program... macam benar
the desire to achieve that amount!!! keke
so its only projected aka AIM....
the most i can do is... -20kgs.... lol

I better kick arse or else... how to go casting for the next HIRO NAKAMURA!!!
YATA!!!!! wahahahaaahaaa

Where can i get pressurized or stress??? i need pressure or stress so i can achieve it....
wahahahahahaha!!! oh yeah after all these regime..
my next year resolutions is go sun-tanning so i can be FOR one...
A BLACK DUDE... wahahahhaha sorry not outdoor person (the secret of being white)... suntanning studio la...
wahahahahahahahahahaa LOUIS KOO.... wahahahhahahahahahaha
my 2008 resolutions.... if i make it thru this one 1st... wahahahahahahaha
HAHA myself... Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 12:33 PM Rating: 5 i am officiating that TODAY is the day i start my KICK ARSE DIEt REGIME.... any fall out will be reported here.... the previous official da...

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