Matamanoa Island Resort Breakfast - Mamanuca Islands, Fiji - Travel is my favorite Sport

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Matamanoa Island Resort Breakfast - Mamanuca Islands, Fiji

Turaga's Breakfast
Eggs Benedict Smoked Salmon (notice its cooked salmon)
White Bread Toast
Coffee and Milk, Tea
Fresh Fruits
Dried Cereals, Syrup Juices and Desserts

The Breakfast were inconsistent on the portion. The rest of the buffet stands were pretty lousy fare. They should invest in good coffee machine and freshly squeeze juice for the price we pay!
It would make their resort even more appealing!

Pictures by MSW
Matamanoa Island Resort Breakfast - Mamanuca Islands, Fiji Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 8:29 AM Rating: 5 Turaga's Breakfast Eggs Benedict Smoked Salmon (notice its cooked salmon) White Bread Toast Coffee and Mil...

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