Buffalo Grill & Steak House - Gadong, Brunei - Travel is my favorite Sport

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Buffalo Grill & Steak House - Gadong, Brunei

Bread and Butter
Steak and Fries
Ribeye Steak
Sauces for your liking

Buffalo Grill & Steak House at Gadong, Brunei Darussalam is really a simple joint that serve nothing out of the ordinary steak! Their steak are not the freshest, a good steak doesn't need so many dipping sauce to mask the meat! Overall, I would try to avoid eating there unless you have no choice!
Its edible but think twice before you chow down their red meat!

Pictures by MSW

Buffalo Grill & Steak House - Gadong, Brunei Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 10:56 AM Rating: 5 Bread and Butter Lemonade Steak and Fries Ribeye Steak Sauces for your liking Buffalo Grill & Steak House at Gad...

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