Zum Braunen Mutz Restaurant - Basel - Travel is my favorite Sport

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Zum Braunen Mutz Restaurant - Basel

Soup of the day
Chicken legs "Provençale" with pilaf rice and vegetables

Vegetable Tortellini in creamy mushroom sauce

Dessert of the day
Revisited Zum Braunen Mutz, it was all packed on the ground floor, so we went up stair, unknowingly its an upscale bistro setting until we received the menu! 

Overall its not so bad, the courses includes a soup, a main and a desserts.

Pictures by MSW
Zum Braunen Mutz Restaurant - Basel Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 3:15 AM Rating: 5 Soup of the day Chicken legs " Provençale " with pilaf rice and vegetables Vegetable Tortellini in ...

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