cravings! - Travel is my favorite Sport

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My mom is very proud of me...
for my ability to cure my cravings... whenever I crave for something" badly!
I had told chyi last weekend, I felt like eating POPCORN
so Now i am stuck with popcorn for 3 days.... sssshhhhh don tell my PT.
kek tio right...
buy the packet of seeds and now i have to finish it...
By the way, I love to watch the popcorn pops.....
its like a galaxy just exploded into many many stars and planets under intense pressure.

A halved-eaten popcorns... SWEETness level is just nice reflective too.. who wants to join me for popcorn....

ITS only 1.70 for 400gms of seeds imagine how much I can eat with 5 bucks in the cinema...

WOOHOOOO!! what a SAVE...

I think I should wear my own sports brand ADIDAE! I know its kinda sounds Korean but it really suits me... coz ADIDAE stands for ALL DAY I DREAM ABOUT EATING.

LOL come on buy my new adidae tshirts... WICKED...

my CED is kicking in... pls help.

CED stands for compulsive eating disorder!

cravings! Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 8:39 AM Rating: 5 My mom is very proud of me... for my ability to cure my cravings... whenever I crave for something" badly! whahahahahaha I had told chy...

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