the recent emergence of fascinating & fairy tale story of Young and getting younger Millionaires and may be even billionaires...
Most are male to be exact and female also have lah~...
anyway~ back to my story.
One thing I learned about them is that they started at very young age..
even in Schools...
I did the same thing too...
My deepest and possibly dark secret.
as far as i can remember.
I started selling when I was given pocket money!
10 years old.
but at the begining I sell among my brothers.
Coz they are easy to mislead.
toys that were bought for us. I re-sell it.
LAME I know...
but It started there... then when the "stickers" were the IN THING of my primary school days.
I would ask my mom to buy for me mickey mouse stickers or whatever it is..
I would sell it to the highest bidder...
BACK THEN.. to be honest my sources was from HUA HO.
LOL of coz i made profit.. Coz i sell it by individually.
In order to do tat, the way I sell was quite interesting to me now.
First, I have to collect a few portfolios of stickers and show it to the girls who are crazy abt them.
they would buy it.. and paste in their own sticker book.
LOL But I think its breakeven point lah~
I was even paid to photograph michelle the one we all know!
10 bucks for full frontal pic 3R size saja!.
2 buyers lagi!!
I was the paparazzi back then!
back then she was popular mah~
her pics is on demand.. eventho the skool year end book have her pic wasnt enuff
coz i think black and white...
that got me in to trouble..
Michelle report me to ZHANG zhu ren.
I got busted... I was at Zhang Zhu Ren office..
deny deny deny and deny
well i did get paid to complete the job.
Soon the yoyo came in... but I didnt sell any of it..
coz I was in the trend itself... buying off HuaHo Shelves...
In early, Secondary school years, the pokemon cards were so IN...
I made quite a lot during tat period.
I would buy as many packs of pokemon cards and hoping I got those cards that were VALUABLE.
But I found a lot of means to sell it back...
I am particularly impress with my strategy NOW.....
I took a folder with plenty of pockets...
I would tell my friend to pick the number which I sticked on each pockets.
I show them the folder, with 2 cards in it..
everybody get to see the 1st cards in the folder and no. from 1 to 12
I told them there is a valuable card in among all those transparent pockets.
when say go ahead shout the no. u want, at once all together...
Its totally "TIKAM" selling lah~~~
the cards were sold out.
HAHA~ i did leak the number out...
I told a fren at that time whom was "close" to me that which no. to pick...
he bot it and got the valuable cards.
HEHE I was a mean businessman..
then the VCD of pokemon became popular...
I started to rent of my VCD at 1 bucks each! for 2 or 3 nights lol~
business was not good but there were ppl renting it...
i know... funny~
form 3
I recalled chipping in with LHH (male) and another dude.
We opened a 2D seller... based on the top 3 of msia 4D results.
well the partnership gulung tikar when CHOI's won the 1st prize...
at that time i would buy "cool" stuff from SG and extras to sell in school too
and i commission off anybody who ask me to buy stuff not just sg but even MIRI as well
to my horror.. was i that ethical?
I would buy stuff from other ppl and resell it back to the market just becoz of its popularity.
Thats as far as I can recall back those memories...
but if any of u recall buying or renting things from me...
comment in the box...
I had the mind for business at that early age as the young millionaire but
my biggest problem is...
I earned and "spend" splurge like water at the same time...
secondly, i lose attention very fast. I will dump the project once i am bored.
thirdly, my market tat time was in classes only~
fourthly, no internet lah~ how to KABOOM like u all now...
fifthly, my internet in brunei slow like hell!!!
those millionaires kept striving for more and more...
I was trying to get those money to buy myself more vcd movies to watch and music cd to listen.
thats the only pleasure my parents were a bit reluctant to support...
Now I am back to square one again at this OLD age!!! selling "YOU KNOW WHAT" that are not yet available in ASIA erm only few months delay lah~~ no biggie deal... making some bucks for RAINY DAYS
coz during rainy days i am required to take cab no matter what.. i don want to get wet bah~
Most are male to be exact and female also have lah~...
anyway~ back to my story.
One thing I learned about them is that they started at very young age..
even in Schools...
I did the same thing too...
My deepest and possibly dark secret.
as far as i can remember.
I started selling when I was given pocket money!
10 years old.
but at the begining I sell among my brothers.
Coz they are easy to mislead.
toys that were bought for us. I re-sell it.
LAME I know...
but It started there... then when the "stickers" were the IN THING of my primary school days.
I would ask my mom to buy for me mickey mouse stickers or whatever it is..
I would sell it to the highest bidder...
BACK THEN.. to be honest my sources was from HUA HO.
LOL of coz i made profit.. Coz i sell it by individually.
In order to do tat, the way I sell was quite interesting to me now.
First, I have to collect a few portfolios of stickers and show it to the girls who are crazy abt them.
they would buy it.. and paste in their own sticker book.
LOL But I think its breakeven point lah~
I was even paid to photograph michelle the one we all know!
10 bucks for full frontal pic 3R size saja!.
2 buyers lagi!!
I was the paparazzi back then!
back then she was popular mah~
her pics is on demand.. eventho the skool year end book have her pic wasnt enuff
coz i think black and white...
that got me in to trouble..
Michelle report me to ZHANG zhu ren.
I got busted... I was at Zhang Zhu Ren office..
deny deny deny and deny
well i did get paid to complete the job.
Soon the yoyo came in... but I didnt sell any of it..
coz I was in the trend itself... buying off HuaHo Shelves...
In early, Secondary school years, the pokemon cards were so IN...
I made quite a lot during tat period.
I would buy as many packs of pokemon cards and hoping I got those cards that were VALUABLE.
But I found a lot of means to sell it back...
I am particularly impress with my strategy NOW.....
I took a folder with plenty of pockets...
I would tell my friend to pick the number which I sticked on each pockets.
I show them the folder, with 2 cards in it..
everybody get to see the 1st cards in the folder and no. from 1 to 12
I told them there is a valuable card in among all those transparent pockets.
when say go ahead shout the no. u want, at once all together...
Its totally "TIKAM" selling lah~~~
the cards were sold out.
HAHA~ i did leak the number out...
I told a fren at that time whom was "close" to me that which no. to pick...
he bot it and got the valuable cards.
HEHE I was a mean businessman..
then the VCD of pokemon became popular...
I started to rent of my VCD at 1 bucks each! for 2 or 3 nights lol~
business was not good but there were ppl renting it...
i know... funny~
form 3
I recalled chipping in with LHH (male) and another dude.
We opened a 2D seller... based on the top 3 of msia 4D results.
well the partnership gulung tikar when CHOI's won the 1st prize...
at that time i would buy "cool" stuff from SG and extras to sell in school too
and i commission off anybody who ask me to buy stuff not just sg but even MIRI as well
to my horror.. was i that ethical?
I would buy stuff from other ppl and resell it back to the market just becoz of its popularity.
Thats as far as I can recall back those memories...
but if any of u recall buying or renting things from me...
comment in the box...
I had the mind for business at that early age as the young millionaire but
my biggest problem is...
I earned and "spend" splurge like water at the same time...
secondly, i lose attention very fast. I will dump the project once i am bored.
thirdly, my market tat time was in classes only~
fourthly, no internet lah~ how to KABOOM like u all now...
fifthly, my internet in brunei slow like hell!!!
those millionaires kept striving for more and more...
I was trying to get those money to buy myself more vcd movies to watch and music cd to listen.
thats the only pleasure my parents were a bit reluctant to support...
Now I am back to square one again at this OLD age!!! selling "YOU KNOW WHAT" that are not yet available in ASIA erm only few months delay lah~~ no biggie deal... making some bucks for RAINY DAYS
coz during rainy days i am required to take cab no matter what.. i don want to get wet bah~
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