Queen Size Bed |
Tv and Seating |
Espresso Machine and Tea Set |
Toilet Sink |
Bathtub |
Toilet seat in a separate door |
Desk and iPod compatible Speaker |
The wardrobe |
Château Clément exterior |
Initially, booked this room Chambre Constance on the booking.com. However, the Chateau owner Mdm. Marie Antoinette was really kind and generous to upgrade us to Junior Suite. Her English is really good too.
She let us tour both the rooms before I decide which rooms to stay in.
I would be perfectly happy to stay in this room, but I couldn't turn down even more spacious room.
The room/chambre is 30 m2
Has good wifi, apple tv, espresso machine, bathrobes, slippers, Nuxe amenities.
Pictures by MSW
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