checkers cake display

roti tissue open house...

Prata counter

random disgusting meat ball sphags

grilled chicken tomyam sauce


pumpkin soup

teh tarik

ice tea

as a request from an aunt of mine...
in order to show the safety of Brunei security and its abode of peace claims
here is a proof....
a car key in a car door with no one attending to the car at a parking lot....
ps. not my car
its a real deal...

personal favorite.... cucur ubi/ cucur udang rojak!!!

Sotong, cucur udang and cucur ubi



three sours

stirred chendol

red bean with susu

triple threat ice cream cakes

ice cream fondue

with whipped... at home

ta dah....

It was saddening not only in my eyes but a few others on the flight with me away from home loh
I was super home sick for a seconds until i adjusted back to sg-lifestyle kua... HAHAHA.....
i have a few random pictures uploaded from back home...Back to the JIM
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