are u surprise to read my blog?
are u really shocked that i'm willing to share my extra-activities?
guess what???
this is not my first blog, nor the second...
here is a gateway to my less interesting life!!
walao! blogspot is more senang to use
and shits hell lot can be done here with their html...
much much more easier!!
MSW-NVM is created on 25 May 2007
but will be officiate on 07-07-07!!!
Proud Sponsors by
Millions Silver Ware
Morrocan Spicy Wringlers
Mega Silicon Watches
Manhattan Stone Wall
Multi Sand Well
and NeVerMind
Ps. Morbidly Super Wasted
are u really shocked that i'm willing to share my extra-activities?
guess what???
this is not my first blog, nor the second...
here is a gateway to my less interesting life!!
walao! blogspot is more senang to use
and shits hell lot can be done here with their html...
much much more easier!!
MSW-NVM is created on 25 May 2007
but will be officiate on 07-07-07!!!
Proud Sponsors by
Millions Silver Ware
Morrocan Spicy Wringlers
Mega Silicon Watches
Manhattan Stone Wall
Multi Sand Well
and NeVerMind
Ps. Morbidly Super Wasted
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