The main reason I paused blogging probably because I constantly update my life through facebook rather than blogging about what had happened.
Facebook, the website that almost everyone can't live without, kept everyone checking live news feed via their mobile phones makes it much more convenient to know what's going on with each and everyone else's lives! Hence, my friends seldom visit my blog that frequent anymore or even none to say the least.
In addition, facebook-ing allows me to upload pictures of my latest food hunt or hottest places to be spotted at or my latest purchases or just plain shout out my whereabouts to my friends so they can join in on my party or may be a morning brunch. And friends can comment on the photos I uploaded or my status in real time! Its the best way to stay connected with each other as long as there is internet access!
Recently a "Best Newcomer Party Animal" (claimed by my friends), I am always partying in the night spots, I made full use of facebook to update my whereabouts so friends need not even asked me which club to hit. It totally makes networking easier with facebook!
I added new friends I met on the spot! Furthermore, helped grown my blackberry contacts and widen my network respectively. Facebook totally makes it casual and cool to make new friends rather than asking for his or her number directly to avoid awkward assumptions. HAHA
As I made more and more friends, they start to follow me on twitter (I begged them to)! Eventhough twitter is slightly less popular than facebook but they do however in-sync that makes updating status less troublesome!
Get a twitter if only you want fans more than friends. People actually join twitter because they are fans of a celebs that has a twitter account E.g. Lady Gaga - most followed celebs and her number of followers are still growing.
Now, Foursquare could be the next Twitter! which surprises me that Nuffnang or Standard Chartered Bank did not mention about it! Foursquare has the tweet feature of a twitter and a GPS check in of all the places on earth! Best of all, 4sq is in-sync with both twitter and facebook too! Features like mayorship and unlocking badges makes it fun and exciting for users to go out and explore new joints.
I personally utilised all this 3 apps to help boost my blog traffic! By mentioning, if I updated my blog or if anybody tweet searches that matches! I truly believe in Social Media Marketing of oneself! which is why Facebook only allow you to have 5000 friends per account. Imagine what you could do with one status update and your entire network of friends would be influenced by it. That's when Twitter comes in handy! you can have infinity followers!
Personally, I am an Entrepreneur myself! Constantly innovating new websites ideas! An American College drop out/pausing lah! (got time to spare) hahaha! I am already maximizing all this 3 social apps to my social life advantage! Be it making new friends or staying in touch with friends all over the world. One must truly understand the logic of these apps and thus they can be deemed a very powerful tool in the marketing world!
I really hope I make the cut because it would enrich my knowledge of Social Media and especially from online engagement from the Standard Chartered Banking and Nuffnangs point of views. The whole experience would be priceless to me!
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