okay.... i'm ready.... - Travel is my favorite Sport

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okay.... i'm ready....

this must sounds funny to many readers of mine...

yes, MSW is ready to find love...hahahaha
this past few months, i have give it a thot liao...
and i feel i'm ready to find my one true love?

but i kinda picky on girls, i like....
i tend to like those hot punya oh!
no offence! i m being realistic, at least I adapt by changing my own flaws too!
in order to match up!!


just bored...

need to marry by 25 yrs old.
so i got a quota to meet.
okay.... i'm ready.... Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 5:36 AM Rating: 5 this must sounds funny to many readers of mine... HAHA yes, MSW is ready to find love...hahahaha this past few months, i have give it a thot...

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