Special dedication - Travel is my favorite Sport

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Special dedication

I have no idea whats wrong with my blogger... the button for uploading pictures are missing. And i typing on a blank webpage. I'm not happy with it... i even switch pc to check whether its only a particular pc's fault. apparently not. and i cant update much.

I would like to thank Chyi for making my NZ a success!
I had so much fun and would like to thank mommmy and dadddy for the wonderful time.

i'm very happy my trip far far down south is completed safely. NO casualties. so thats pretty good!

can't wait to spend more mooolahs...
Special dedication Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 7:09 AM Rating: 5 I have no idea whats wrong with my blogger... the button for uploading pictures are missing. And i typing on a blank webpage. I'm not ha...

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